Dear J

And on the 45th day she rose from the dead

September 20, 2024

It's been a while... I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting... but I'm here now.

No seriously, it's been a while since I last posted... 45 days to be exact! I've honestly just been suuuuuper busy and haven't really had the time to make one of these... and the little times I do have time, I either forget or just don't feel like it. It's not like it actually matters anyways; I don't really have an audience for these posts other than like the 3 people who maybe read these so it's not like I'm doing a disservice to anyone by not posting regularly. After all, this is, in its essence, just a very public diary of mine. But still, I like sharing stuff! Even if nobody actually cares! But ultimately, what have I been up to?

JK i wish! My very unglamourous life right now consists of 4 university classes, a job, and a student association that I lead. It's a lot more than I'm used to, but I feel like I'm handling it pretty well so far I'd say... (famous last words) I think it has to do with the fact that I just generally have a very blithe attitude towards life which is helpful in minimizing stress levels but detrimental when it's time to get serious and lock in. Also, it's only September... a lot of things can change from now until the end of the year, but I'm choosing to remain positive and believe that everything is gonna work out just fine! Naive? Maybe a little bit, but frankly I don't care. I'd rather be naive and have a positive attitude than being overly cautious and in an anxious mood all the time. I mention my life being "unglamourous", but actually I like to find ways to see glamour in it. For example, I like to imagine i'm a #girlboss CEO and that everything I'm doing right now are #girlboss activities to keep my #girlboss company thriving! JUANOTECH! I'm glad I haven't lost my imagination to an extent. They say it's unhealthy to live in a fantasy all the time, but I think it's great! I will say though, sometimes I can't tell whether a memory I have actually happened or if I dreamt it which is... a bit concerning but BOOM! WHO CARES?

On a more "serious" note, it never fails to amaze me how fast time seems to go by nowadays. It feels like i'm a Sim and someone has pressed the triple speed button on the game. We're somehow already halfway through September, meanwhile I feel like August was just yesterday. Next thing you know we're gonna be ringing in the New Year! The days are becoming noticeably shorter, which doesn't mean jackshit for the weather because everytime I go outside it feels like I'm stepping into Satan's asscrack BUT I am beginning to feel the Christmas spirit approaching, and I wanna get some new decorations this year! Now that I have a job again, I can actually (hopefully) buy people gifts and get decorations to put around the house. I just need to be more financially responsible... which is pretty much asking me to do Mission Impossible...

Going back to the topic of time, I actually realized that today is a very important day not just to me, but for the history of my country, and that is the 7th anniversary since Hurricane Maria struck the island back in 2017. I honestly can't even fathom the fact that it's been that long, even with everything that's happened between then and now, it still somehow feels like it happened yesterday. It's very surreal. So many aspects of our lives changed forever that day; so many people were lost that day as well. I know that this is a bit of a downer moment in an otherwise frothy post, but to me personally it's so important to reflect on the mere fact that I'm here today, and so is my family and my home, despite all the hard moments and emotional turmoil that we had to endure after the storm. It is something that I am deeply grateful for. I think of all the people, all the families which lost quite literally everything after the storm, and I remember all of their stories which sometimes sounded like they came out of a horror film, but this was their reality. Maria also shaped my perspective towards the government and our society. The humanitarian crisis which came immediately after the storm was so heavily compounded by the poor response from both the Puerto Rican and federal governments that for the first time I began to truly question everything I had been led to believe about the World up until that point. Living through the worst catastrophe your country has ever seen at only 13 really does something to your psyche, even after 7 years. I'll never forget it for as long as I live.

To end things off on a lighter note, I recently caved and I finally made an account on Bluesky. Twitter (I refuse to call it "X") has just gone to such absolute irredeemable shit that it's baffling that the app is even still up. So much so that it got to the point that the whole nation of Brazil ended up banning it! They've since reinstated it, but the madness that ensued following that announcement made me realize that 1. Brazilians are the backbone of Twitter and 2. I need a replacement for Twitter in case the site inevitably goes down and we all have to abandon ship. Naturally, that meant opening a Bluesky account. So far, I really like it. There's obviously some features missing because it's still so relatively new, but even then logging on doesn't feel like I'm jumping into a cesspool of broken features, bad opinions, and porn bots, which is already a step up from Twitter. I hope more people will make the move or at least have Bluesky as their backup social platform because what's stopping me from fully making the move to it is that not everyone who I follow on Twitter has a Bluesky. You may be wondering why I need yet another social media account if I already have this website, but I just like the feeling of interacting and being connected with other people in real time. As crap as Twitter has become, one thing that I think it does really well is bringing people together with similar interests and humor, and I haven't really been able to find that in other social media websites. At least not in a way that interests me.

Anyways, let me wrap this up. It's well past 3AM and I'm getting sleepy. Knowing me I'm probably gonna close my laptop and proceed to stare at my phone for 2 more hours, but let me at least make the effort of actually going to bed... BRITNEY SPEARS YAY!!!


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