Dear J

My left Airpod broke and I'm mad af.

July 6, 2024

After complaining about how bored out of my mind I've been all summer, I'm actually doing something now! I'm just about to be hired at a pretzel place (which is ironic considering i said i was never doing food service again but... yeah). I'm excited but also a bit nervous because last job i had was a LOT of work since i was put on a full-time schedule despite applying for a part-time. But i wasn't studying at that time, and I am now, so hopefully that's not an issue this time around. Unfortunately, I already know what i'm gonna use my first paycheck for... MY LEFT AIRPOD BROKE!!!!

So basically what happened was, as I was going back to my mom's house for some documents I needed for the hiring process, she told me about some off-brand Airpod tips she had bought me because the ones I had were pretty stained from using them so much (and okay i should also probably clean my ears better but i would rather have a little extra ear wax than stab my eardrum with a q-tip...). I was very skeptical about them because of the fact they were off-brand, and not just that, but they looked really really cheaply made. When it comes to tech and electronics I try to only get first-party replacements/products/parts if i ever do need to replace something because of how fragile it can be and because of the fact a lot of tech products are designed to ideally or sometimes only work with parts made by its own manufacturer. Which is why if i'm low on money, i'd rather keep the little money i have and wait until i can get the real deal rather than get some cheap knockoff online and then have it not work the same way it's supposed to. But one thing about my mom? She will buy a shit ton of cheap shit online. It's not me blaming her for it either, we're all broke at our house after all, but I don't think she really understands why I'm so particular about not getting third-party products specifically online; you never know what you're actually getting. And what do you know: the tips didn't really fit on the Airpods. You really had to jam them in there for them to go in and if you know anything about airpods... you know that's not supposed to happen. Real Airpod tips go in with no issue, just a simple click, and are a breeze to get out. Well, as I was going to remove the tips, they were really stuck in there, so I had to use a bit of force to try and get them out... and as I pulled the fucking left airpod SPLIT IN HALF and the cables inside it RIPPED. I was FUMING. I have had these Airpods for a while, and I have tried my hardest not to break them like i've done with other pairs of headphones in the past and have somewhat achieved that thus far... until a stupid knockoff Airpod tip had to come and not come off the way it's supposed to. As if I couldn't get any more upset, my mom somehow got mad at ME even though I had previously told her not to worry about the stains and that I would get new tips whenever I had money for them. She called me ungrateful, even though its hard to be grateful for something when you didn't ask for it in the first place (and actively spoke against it) and it ended up indirectly breaking something of yours. Now, did I technically break the Airpod myself? Yes! But it was on accident, and it wouldn't have happened if those stupid third-party tips weren't actual doodoo feces and worked the way THEY WERE SUPPOSED TOOOOOOOOO. It's so annoying. iT'S ALL SO ANNOYINGGGGGGG. So now, I have to dedicate probably a decent chunk of my first paycheck to getting that Airpod replaced. And also getting new tips from APPLE because she was right by saying the tips are stained. But also I don't understand why it bothers her so much. They're my Airpods after all.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm acting irrationally, or if other people are the irrational ones. But to be fair, while I may be indecisive about some things, there are others where I just simply know what I want and how I want it, and some people take offense to that apparently. I don't meddle when it comes to other people's lives or how they do things. If someone does something in some other way other than the one I'm used to, but they're doing something that doesn't affect me, why should I say something? Why should I judge somebody else or create a problem where there is none, if that isn't bothering the person nor will it affect me? It's something I wish my mom would apply. I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous considering this is in regards to a fucking Airpod, but this is just one of many occurrences of her creating an issue where there isn't one. And I love her. like, A LOT. But me loving her doesn't mean I'm gonna sit here with my arms crossed and just not be upset anytime she does something, well, upsetting. In fact, I think my love for her is what makes those things all the more upsetting. The more you care about someone, the more hurt you'll feel when they wrong you. It's so easy to just brush it off if it's someone who's not all that close to you, but when it's someone you spend the grand majority of ur time with and you care and love so deeply about, it's like 30000 times worse.

It's now a day after my left Airpod perished, and I'm a bit more at peace with it. I can't turn back time and unbreak my heart toni braxton it, all I can do is wait until i get hired at the pretzel's place so i can order a new one + the tips. Also, the volunteer work I did yesterday really lifted my mood. The soup kitchen in my city I've been volunteering at these past few months held a fundraising dinner complete with music, dessert, and even the presence of Camila Beatrice, who represented Caguas at the Miss Universe Puerto Rico contest. Side note, she's gorge and she came in this beautiful orange gradient dress, stunning curly hair, and really cute makeup. I was lowkey her manager for the night because I convinced her to sign some postcards that we would sell to raise some more money for the kitchen. It was a good idea on paper, but only a couple people bought them which was strange considering the price was $literallywhateveryouwantedtogive. Oh well!

It's always really nice to write on here about all sorts of stuff regarding my life and whatnot, and I would love to do it more, but I feel like I never really have anything interesting to write about, so it's nice when something does happen (*Daehwi from AB6IX voice* even if it's good or bad) so I can write about it. HENNYWAYSSSSSS one of the next things i wanna write about is actually not a blog post, but in fact a review of Dannii Minogue's fabulous Neon Nights album. I'm not gonna say too much about what I think about it on this post, because I want y'all to be tuned in for the review (whenever it comes out), but all I'll say is that it's a must-listen for sure if you're trying to get into Dannii (no pun intended). Until then, check out some of the other reviews I've published already and let me know your thoughts on those albums in my guestbook or on Twitter :) Anyways that's all for now!! Ttyl ♡


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