Dear J

An Introduction to Dear J

June 4, 2024

At the time of me writing this, it is currently 6:46 AM and I haven't slept at all because I have spent all night messing with this website. I've been really meaning to fix my sleep schedule, but I'm on summer break after all so... does it really matter? But anyways, that's not what I'm making this post for, rather I wanted to give you, the reader, a warm welcome to my newly-founded website Dear J! *applause*

The reality is, I have no real business for having a website... but it looked like fun!! My main Internet outlet for the past almost 8 years has been my Twitter (which you can follow here #selfpromo), but I never truly had a spot on the Internet to call my own. A couple of years ago, I did end up making a blog on Blogger as well as some posts on it, but I barely update it. What's mostly on there is some album reviews + a couple of posts about other shit. I'm planning on moving (and maybe updating) those reviews onto here, and as for the 2 other posts... I may or may not move them, probably not though since I don't really consider them relevant anymore. I don't know why, but Blogger didn't really click with me. I think it might've been the fact that it feels a bit restrictive sometimes and I wasn't willing to learn how to code to be able to customize it even more... yet. Recently, I saw one of my friends on Twitter was creating a website on Neocities. They haven't posted it yet, but I was curious, so I went on Neocities to see other people's websites and I felt inspired. I made an account and was immediately launched into a tutorial. This might sound a little silly to some, but I genuinely believe that tutorial is what sparked my interest in actually learning how to code and build my own website from scratch. Frankly, I have to say I'm pretty impressed with what I've been able to do in just 3 days. Of course, my website is not yet to the level of a lot of other sites I've seen on Neocities, but hopefully one day it will be... :)

Part of Neocities' thing is that you're able to browse other people's websites easily (websurfing, I think it's called), so there might be somebody who might not know me that well who's wondering: "Why Dear J?" And I say somebody who might not know me well because those who do already know why I named the site what I did... heh. Basically, "Dear J" by Tomomi Itano is my favorite song of all time and, coincidentally, my name also starts with J! It's like she made the song for me... So, what better name to give my website than Dear J? I love the song so much, that I made it so that when you click the "logo" (and I use the term logo very loosely since I literally used an online glitter text generator to make it) of my website, it takes you to the "Dear J" video! You're welcome~ Actually, it's probably inconvenient to people who are expecting to be taken to the homepage but who cares! It's my website, hunni! And I added a "Home" button for that reason! Anyways, I'm embedding the video here too because I like it so much.

I'm really hoping I don't abandon this website after like a month like I did with my previous blog... I'm actually really enjoying the process of building it so far and, as I am doing right now, I have spent way too much time out of these past 3 days dedicated to it. I'm super excited to keep adding and changing stuff up on here, coding is actually really fun! A little complicated, but less complicated than I thought originally. It's kinda like math to some people; I have a friend who literally goes blank at the mere sight of numbers. I think seeing so much text and so many different codes that one may be unfamiliar too can feel overwhelming and turn you away from trying to learn how to code, but I feel like, just like the Neocities tutorial did to me, you just really need a little push to spark that interest to begin coding. Or not, I'm honestly just speaking from my experience. My 3-day experience, so truthfully, what the hell do I know? LMAO

Anyways, that's all for today (or at least this post). Thanks for reading! And be sure to let me know what you think of this website or this post so far in my guestbook. :)


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